The chair of the BC Liberal caucus says he'd support an external review of both the government and opposition caucuses.
But the Premier won't say if she agrees.
In an interview this morning, Gordon Hogg said he'd welcome an outside review of caucus, adding concerns have been raised about caucus reviewing itself, and clearly it was.
Hogg completed his own review of the ethnic outreach affair, but he won't be releasing it to the public, citing legal reasons.
After speaking at a prayer breakfast in Vancouver this morning, Premier Christy Clark was in no mood to comment.
Reporter: "Premier, quick question from the media?"
Clark: "How are you?"
Reporter: "Quick question for you..."
Bodyguard: "We're going to be doing some scrums at the next event?"
Reporter: "Oh, where's the next event? Just a quick question: Gordon Hogg is calling an external review, would you support that."
Reporter: "Premier, a quick question?"
Then a van door slams shut and clark is whisked away.